New Guide Reveals...

Easy And Proven Ways To Make Money On WhatsApp And Turn It Into An Income Generating Machine

You NEVER have to worry again about where your next income is going to come from… This secret will SHOW you how to make money with WhatsApp.

If you're tired of your current financial state and you desire to change it for the better, then you MUST read this letter to the end!

From: the desk of Samson Okotie,

Founder, 7Figure Income Systems & WhatsApp Income Blueprint

Hello friend,  

I'm Samson Okotie, Chances are that you've never heard about me before, but as soon as you go through this letter, you'll be glad you finally did.

Because, in a few minutes, I will show you how you can start earning a consistent income from your WhatsApp.

Are They Bloody Liars?

I know you may have heard about people who are making money with their mobile phones and WhatsApp, and you’re wondering how they are doing it.


Are they bloody liars?

Could those testimonials and screenshots be fake?

How possible is that?...

Does it work for everyone or for some certain groups?

And many other questions…


I’m here to answer those questions 

and show you the ultimate formula THESE People are using to turn their WhatsApp into their daily cash machines.



Let me make a few claims... Just answer RIGHT OR WRONG


You are very active on WhatsApp, yet not getting anything or much from it like you really want.


You want to make money online but don’t know the perfect place to start right now. or your finding it difficult to breakthrough.


You wish to start earning a passive income with your smart phone without any stress.


You are probably finding it a bit hard to get extra money for every day expenses...


Of course, I may be wrong...

But If you answered YES to any of the questions above, then make sure you NEVER skip a single line in this letter, because...

In a few minutes, I'll show you how you can start making a passive income daily on WhatsApp... NO MATTER WHO YOU ARE.

I will show you everything. 

      But first lets talk about WhatsApp


WhatsApp is a great platform that is making many young Nigerians rich… Maybe Except you


WhatsApp has over 1 Billion active users today and while a lot of people  (like you) are taking it as just a messaging platform, other smart guys are using it as an advantage to make some cool money every single month…


Many people don't know that they can convert this great application into their own personal cash dispenser that generates steady and consistent income daily, even while they’re busy having fun.


People do have up to 50,000 contacts on their WhatsApp and make money from these contacts continuously without stress. even people with as low as 500 contacts are still getting results.

But the truth is that, they only get these results because they are following the WhatsApp Income Formula.

Listen my friend,

There is a formula to every thing in life that works, I am saying the truth

You don’t have to waste money ANYMORE, paying for trainings upon trainings that don’t produce results…


You don’t have to keep thinking people who are making money online are all liars or thieves…


Of course, There are people who lie and deceive people on the internet… no doubt


But there are thousands of other people who are genuinely making this money LEGITIMATELY every single day from their homes.


I used to think the same way before...


I used to think everybody making money online are either scammers or liars…


In fact, I’ve made a lot of mistakes online again and again… I've shared my stories many times on several of my articles and reports. so I wont bore with that here.

I've made a lot of mistakes and failures that almost started looking like village people are after me...


But then, I discovered the secret, I'm about to reveal to you here,

 How to make Real Money from WhatsApp with the Proven WhatsApp Income System



What is This Proven WhatsApp income system?


My Proven WhatsApp income system is a tested and proven strategy that have worked again and again for many people with tangible results to show


What people don’t usually tell you is that…




99% of the ideas people give you will never work

This is one of the reason why the last article you read online about making money didn’t work.


You saw 100 businesses ideas to do on WhatsApp to become a billionaire

You tried almost everything they said and ended up in pain and frustration.

How did I know?

Of course I have been there before... that is why I said earlier that "Lack is not your friend" Lack of money will make you loose a lot of things in life... Including relationships, opportunities, good lifestyle... respect... admission... the list goes on.

If you really want to start making some extra income monthly with less stress and more time for yourself, then, I'm very confident to tell you that…

The Ultimate WhatsApp income SYSTEM is all you need right now


In fact, this WhatsApp income system is like giving you a free ticket to print your own money every week and month.




I have taken time to explain this Proven WhatsApp income system in a simple and clear manner that any body can understand and implement.


It includes powerful strategies anyone can use to start making money almost immediately.


If you apply these strategies, you can be sure of receiving at least some few thousands every week and month CONSISTENTLY.


I have compiled the secret into this Simple Guide.

I’ll advise you to get it immediately.






This is an eBook that will crack the secret of making money online and show you how to do it using WhatsApp as your primary platform.


The single goal of this guide is to reveal to you, how to turn the world’s most popular and engaged social media app into a money generating tool for yourself.

The sweet part is that you don't need to have a website, blog or startup capital before you can get started.

All you need is just your WhatsApp account and internet connection.





This Guide is for every...

👉 University Students

👉 Small business owners


👉 Information marketers


👉 Affiliate marketers 

👉 Graphic designers

👉 University graduates

👉 Government and Private sector employees

👉 School teachers or lecturers

👉 Anybody who has WhatsApp and wants to make money with it 


Why you need to get this my 'WIB' NOW

⭐Its easy to read and beginner friendly. You can consume all the Information in a day compared to other eBooks on the internet.


⭐You will learn The ultimate formula for making money on WhatsApp and how to use it RIGHT NOW.

This can save you years of frustration trying to figure it out by yourself.

     ⭐You will learn the FASTEST and Easiest WAYS to grow Your WhatsApp status to thousands of viewers with little stress


 ⭐Its divided Into 4 Major parts with specific topics. So you can head on to a particular part you want to master. e.g., Part 4 is about "How to grow your status Fast"

   ⭐I'll Explain the 4 "Red-Hot" ways to make money on WhatsApp FAST. And how to do them effectively.


  ⭐You will see what WhatsApp Tv platforms in Nigeria are doing to make over 25k every week. 


  You will have access to direct coaching from me and some good internet marketers when you find any challenge on your way.



How much for this Blueprint?

The Price of this guide is N5,000

But I’m giving it out to the first 256 persons (who will take their copies now) for just N2,000


How much can this eBook add to you?


Now you may be thinking to yourself "how much can all these knowledge add to me..." The answer is something only you can answer.


How much do you think you can start earning every month with over 7,000+ people viewing your status daily?

With the 4 RED-HOT WhatsApp business strategies you’ll get?


How much can you get when people are begging you with their money to help them post their contents on your status?


How much can you make when over 200 people can pay to join a WhatsApp group you will create when you learn the Secret from me?


You can answer this questions and see the value you'll get soon.

I've even added a few bonuses to show you my commitment to see you get results in no time


⚡Bonus 1:

My '7Figure e-book Marketing Report' (FREE)


Bonus 2:

How To Sell anything To Anyone (Worth 3,000)


Bonus 3:

5 Legit Make Money Online eBooks (Worth $120)


Bonus 4:

Access to my personal mentorship - Ask me your questions and get  direct access to information I usually charge 100k for (Worth N1,000)


These are all you'll be getting when you order this ebook right now at N2,000


With everything you have seen available on this blueprint, you will agree with me that this Blueprint and every single bonus here is worth more than N50,000.

But I decided not to sell it for that much...


That is why I giving it out for a ridiculously low price of N5,000.


So, anyone can get it without stress.


But why am I giving it for N2,000 to the first 256 persons?


I Simply want to help the first 256 Lucky Persons with a FAST ACTION TAKERS DISCOUNT That's all.

I've done my very best to convince you, its left for you to make your choice and do what you think is right for you. But be aware that this discount is for a limited time and for a limited number of people.


PS: Be aware that this discount is for a limited time and for a limited number of people. after this, the price will go back to N5,000


PPS: Once the group is filled up (with 256 members), this discount will end.

PPPS: N2,000 is very small and a BIG BARGAIN for what you'll be getting. Even a 10 years old child will give it QUICKLY for this offer.


PPPPS: N2,000 can get finished in a few minutes, you can use it to buy airtime or pizza and forget about it FOREVER… or you can invest it in a product that can help you earn money easily for the rest of your life.


Place your order and Grab ,your own copy Now.




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